
VelocityX allows you to quicky create a Container using .box() extension or VxBox() widget.

  • You can either use this or Container widget.

  • If you are done with the box properties do make sure to use .make() to get a container

VxBox() is a VelocityX widget which allows you to create a container

Vx WidgetFlutter Widget

.box() is a VelocityX extension which allows you to create a container

Vx extensionFlutter Widget
Toast sample 1

Above is an example of a red VxBox with padded text as the child

VxBox Sample using widget

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return VxBox(child: Text("VelocityX")).red500.make().centered();

Above code creates a container of red color with a child as VelocityX Text which is centered

VxBox Sample using extension

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return "VelocityX".text.make().box.red500.make().centered();;

Above code creates a container of red color with a child as VelocityX Text which is centered

VxBox Constructor


VxBox Properties

  • Widget child : The child contained by the VxBox.

Useful Methods

  • Use this methods before .make()

VxBox Height and Width

  • Use height() and width() methods to apply height and width on VxBox
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return VxBox(child: Text("Hello").centered())

Above code creates a container of red color along with height & width of 100px with a child as VelocityX Text which is centered.

VxBox Padding and Margin

Use padding() and margin() methods to apply padding and margin on VxBox.

  • You can use VelocityX class to provide predefined EdgeInsets value.

Using VelocityX class to get predefined EdgeInsets value

  • Vx.m12 - Set insets of 12 from all the side.

  • Vx.mH12 - Set insets of 12 in Horizontal way.

  • Vx.mV12 - Set insets of 12 in Vertical way.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return VxBox(child: Text("VelocityX").centered())

Above code sets a padding of 12 insets on VxBox.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return VxBox(child: Text("VelocityX").centered())

Above code sets a margin of 12 insets on VxBox.

VxBox Color

  • There are different ways to give colors to the VelocityX Box using getter and methods.

    • You can use VelocityX color palette using VelocityX getter as color name like .red600. For e.g.
    return Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return VxBox(child: Text("VelocityX").centered())
    • You can use Flutter colors using VelocityX method like .color( For e.g.

      return VxBox(child: Text("VelocityX").centered()).color(;
    • You can use hex color code with VelocityX method like .hexColor("#cfcfcf"). For e.g.

      return VxBox(child: Text("VelocityX").centered()).hexColor("#cfcfcf").make();

VxBox Alignment

There are multiple getters to align the VxBox

  • You can align your VxBox to bottom center like this

    return VxBox(child: Text("VelocityX").centered()).alignBottomCenter
  • You can use alignment method to set custom alignment

    return VxBox(child: Text("VelocityX").centered()).alignment(Alignment(20,10))

VxBox Shadow

VelocityX offers predefined shadows to be used on VxBox

  • outerShadow

  • outerShadowSm

  • outerShadowMd

  • outerShadowLg

  • outerShadowXl

  • outerShadow2Xl

  • outerShadow3Xl

  • noneShadow

  • shadow

  • shadowXs

  • shadowSm

  • shadowMd

  • shadowLg

  • shadowXl

  • shadow2xl

  • shadow3xl

  • shadow4xl

  • shadow5xl

  • shadowMax

    return VxBox(child: Text("VelocityX").centered())