String Extensions

VelocityX gives you powerful extensions for Strings.

Common Operations

First letter uppercase

firstLetterUpperCase() returns first letter of the string as Caps eg -> Flutter

Eg: "velocityx".firstLetterUpperCase()
Output: "VelocityX"

Remove character

Remove first character

eliminateFirst removes first element

Eg: "velocityx".eliminateFirst
Output: "elocityx"

Remove last character

eliminateLast removes last element

Eg: "velocityx".eliminateLast
Output: "velocity"

Empty or null

isEmptyOrNull returns a bool(true or false) if the string is null or empty

Eg: "".isEmptyOrNull
Output: true

Check if String is Right to Left Language

isRtlLanguage() returns a bool(true or false)


Returns the string if it is not null, or the empty string otherwise > orEmpty returns a string

orEmpty() returns a bool(true or false)


if the string is empty perform an action

ifEmpty(action) returns a string


Capitalize all words inside a string

allWordsCapitilize() returns a string


Returns a String without white space at all

removeAllWhiteSpace() returns a string

Eg - "hello world" // helloworld

Returns true if string is neither null, empty nor is solely made of whitespace characters.

isNotBlank returns a bool


Hide partial values of a string

hidePartial([Optional Params]) returns a bool


Format numeric currency

numCurrency returns a string


Format numeric currency with provided locale

numCurrencyWithLocale() returns a string



Email Validation

validateEmail() returns a bool(true or false) if the email id is valid or not

Eg: "".validateEmail()
Output: true
Eg: "pawan kumar".validateEmail()
Output: false

Credit/Debit Card Validation

isCreditCardValid() returns a bool(true or false) if the card is valid or not

Eg: "5454545454545454".isCreditCardValid()
Output: true
Eg: "1234567890123456".isCreditCardValid()
Output: false