
VelocityX includes utilities for controlling the direction of widgets.

Vx WidgetFlutter WidgetExtension
VStack()Column().vStack() or .column()
HStack()Row().hStack() or .row()
ZStack()Stack().zStack() or .stack()

You can either use the widgets or their extension methods. Both works equally well. It's your own preference.

VStack class

A VelocityX VStack widget which is used to display it's children in vertical array. VStack widget does not scroll automatically, If VStack has more children than the available room then it is considered as an error.

If you have N number of widget as children for VStack and you want to scroll them. Then consider using scorllVertical() extension.


scorllVertical() is an extension which makes children scroll vertically.

For a Horizontal variant, see HStack.

VStack Sample

Text("VelocityX is Super"),
Text("Sample Text"),
Text("Yet, Another Sample Text"),
Using Extension Method
Text("VelocityX is Super"),
Text("Sample Text"),
Text("Yet, Another Sample Text"),

Above code displays all the texts in Vertical manner

VStack Constructor

VStack(this.children, // should not be null
{Key key,
this.alignment = MainAxisAlignment.start,
this.crossAlignment = CrossAxisAlignment.start,
this.axisSize = MainAxisSize.min})

VStack Properties

  • Key key : Controls how one widget replaces another widget in the tree.

  • List<Widgets> children : The widgets below this widget in the tree.

  • MainAxisAlignment alignment : How the children should be placed along the main axis.

  • CrossAxisAlignment crossAlignment : How the children should be placed along the cross axis.

  • MainAxisSize axisSize : How much space should be occupied in the main axis.

HStack class

A VelocityX HStack widget which is used to display it's children in Horizontal array.HStack widget dose not scroll automatically, If HStack has more children then available room then it is considered as an error.

If you have N number of widget as children for HStack and you want to scroll them. Then consider using scrollHorizontal() extension.


scrollHorizontal() is an extension which makes children scroll Horizontal.

For a Vertical variant, see VStack.

HStack Sample

Text("VelocityX is Super").px12(),
Text("Sample Text").px12(),
Text("Yet, Another Sample Text").px12(),
Using Extension Method
Text("VelocityX is Super").px12(),
Text("Sample Text").px12(),
Text("Yet, Another Sample Text").px12(),

Above code displays all the texts in Horizontal manner

HStack Constructor

const HStack(this.children, // should not be null
{Key key,
this.alignment = MainAxisAlignment.start,
this.crossAlignment = CrossAxisAlignment.center,
this.axisSize = MainAxisSize.min})

HStack Properties

  • Key key : Controls how one widget replaces another widget in the tree.

  • List<Widgets> children : The widgets below this widget in the tree.

  • MainAxisAlignment alignment : How the children should be placed along the main axis.

  • CrossAxisAlignment crossAlignment : How the children should be placed along the cross axis.

  • MainAxisSize axisSize : How much space should be occupied in the main axis.

ZStack class

A VelocityX ZStack widget is used to display it's children relative to the edges of its box. ZSack is useful if you want to overlap several children in a simple way, for example having some text and an image, overlapped with a gradient color as background.


Use alignment property to align the children of ZStack class.Default Alignment is top start

ZStack Sample

alignment: Alignment.center,
Using Extension Method
].zStack(alignment: Alignment.center).p20();

Above code displays Overlapping Box(containers) which are align in center

ZStack Constructor

const ZStack(this.children, // should not be null
{Key key,
this.alignment = AlignmentDirectional.topStart,
this.fit = StackFit.loose,
this.overflow = Overflow.clip})

ZStack Properties

  • Key key : Controls how one widget replaces another widget in the tree.

  • List<Widgets> children : The widgets below this widget in the tree.

  • AlignmentGeometry alignment : How to align the non-positioned and partially-positioned children in the ZStack.

  • StackFit fit : How to size the non-positioned children in the stack.

  • Overflow overflow : Whether overflowing children should be clipped.

VxBlock class

A VelocityX VxBlock widget is used to display it's children at block-level. A block-level element always starts on a new line and takes up the full width available (stretches out to the left and right as far as it can).


Use verticalDirection property to vertically align the children of VxBlock class.Default direction is down

VxBlock Sample

children: [
"VelocityX is Super".text.make().box.height(90).red500.make(),
"VelocityX increase productivity".text.make().box.red500.make()
verticalDirection: VerticalDirection.up,

Above code displays Text which is taking full available width of the screen/device

VxBlock Constructor

Key key,
MainAxisAlignment mainAxisAlignment = MainAxisAlignment.start,
TextDirection textDirection,
VerticalDirection verticalDirection = VerticalDirection.down,
TextBaseline textBaseline,
List<Widget> children = const <Widget>[],

VxBlock Properties

  • Key key : Controls how one widget replaces another widget in the tree.

  • List<Widgets> children : The widgets below this widget in the tree.

  • MainAxisAlignment alignment : How the children should be placed along the main axis.

  • TextDirection textDirection : Controls the directionality of the text.

  • VerticalDirection verticalDirection : Controls the vertical direction of childers.

  • Overflow overflow : Whether overflowing children should be clipped.

VxInlineBlock class

A VelocityX VxInlineBlock widget is used to display it's children in-line at block level. Using VxInlineBlock you can display children widgets next to each other.


Use verticalDirection property to vertically align the children of VxInlineBlock class.Default direction is down

VxInlineBlock Sample

children: [
"VelocityX is Super".text.make().box.height(90).red500.make(),
"VelocityX increase productivity".text.make().box.red500.make()
verticalDirection: VerticalDirection.up,

Above code displays Overlapping Box(containers) which are align in center

VxInlineBlock Constructor

Key key,
TextDirection textDirection,
VerticalDirection verticalDirection = VerticalDirection.down,
TextBaseline textBaseline,
List<Widget> children = const <Widget>[],

VxInlineBlock Properties

  • Key key : Controls how one widget replaces another widget in the tree.

  • List<Widgets> children : The widgets below this widget in the tree.

  • TextDirection textDirection : Controls the directionality of the text.

  • VerticalDirection verticalDirection : Controls the vertical direction of childers.

  • Overflow overflow : Whether overflowing children should be clipped.